HK String Orchestra’s stellar debut in Athens launches European tour along Belt and Road countries

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In the heart of Athens, beneath the grandeur of the Athens Conservatoire, a symphony of cultural exchange unfolded as the Hong Kong String Orchestra (HKSO) took the stage on a Thursday evening. It marked the inaugural performance of their “Strings of the Bauhinia” Central and Eastern Europe tour, a musical journey spanning the Belt and Road countries from November 9 to 18. The air was filled with anticipation, a melodic bridge connecting East and West.

The event was not merely a musical spectacle but a significant part of the “China-Greece Year of Culture and Tourism.” The strings resonated in harmony with the internationally acclaimed Greek choreographer Dimitris Papaioannou, who graced Hong Kong stages from Thursday to Saturday, creating a seamless fusion of artistic expressions between two worlds.

The HKSO, recognized as one of Hong Kong’s outstanding arts projects by the China National Arts Fund, embarked on this tour with the support of the Culture, Sports, and Tourism Bureau of the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Their mission extended beyond captivating melodies; it aimed to showcase Chinese artistic excellence and narrate the enriching stories of Hong Kong to the world.

Led by virtuoso Yao Jue, the founder and artistic director, the orchestra commemorated the 10th anniversaries of both China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” and the establishment of the HKSO in Hong Kong. The journey unfolded with two concerts in Greece, followed by one each in Bulgaria, Serbia, and Romania—a musical celebration echoing the spirit of cultural connectivity.

The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Brussels (HKETO Brussels) played a pivotal role, actively supporting the HKSO during their Greek debut. As the curtains fell on the inaugural concert in Athens, it also marked the closing event for the “China-Greece Year of Culture and Tourism.” Raistlin Lau, the Under Secretary for Culture, Sports, and Tourism, and Myron Flouris, the Greek Tourism Ministry’s Secretary General for Tourism Policy and Development, graced the occasion, adding governmental applause to the artistic triumph.

HKETO Brussels, with its extensive network, diligently promoted the concerts, ensuring a diverse audience from government, business, and cultural circles. Fiona Li, the Deputy Representative of HKETO Brussels, emphasized the role of music in fostering people-to-people bonds and bridging cultural gaps along the Belt and Road. In her words, “There is no better way.”

The concert tour not only showcased the musical prowess of the HKSO but also underscored the Hong Kong government’s commitment to nurturing musical talents. By providing a platform for young graduates to tread the path towards a professional career, the HKSO actively contributed to positioning Hong Kong as a vibrant international arts and cultural hub.

As the strings echoed through the Athens Conservatoire, they carried with them the rich tapestry of East-meets-West influences, emblematic of Hong Kong’s unique role in promoting the “Belt and Road Initiative.” The HKSO, with every note, paved the way for the next generation of musicians, leaving an indelible mark on the global stage and reinforcing Hong Kong’s standing as a cultural powerhouse.

(Source: Newsroom| Ekathimerini))

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