Mastercard to revolutionize online payments with tokenization by 2030

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Picture this: it’s 2030, and the way you pay for things online is completely transformed. No more entering those 16-digit card numbers that we’ve all memorized but love to hate. Mastercard is pioneering a shift that promises to change our digital transactions forever. Starting in 2030, Europeans won’t need to manually input card details while shopping online, regardless of the device or platform they’re using. Instead, a new system of tokenization will take over, replacing traditional card numbers with randomly generated tokens.

By 2030, all cards issued on its European network will be tokenized. This means that the familiar sequence of numbers we associate with our credit cards will be replaced with unique tokens, ensuring a higher level of security against fraud. Mastercard has been collaborating with banks, fintech companies, merchants, and other partners to gradually phase out manual card entry in favor of a one-click button for all online platforms. This change promises not just convenience but a significant reduction in fraud rates, thanks to tokenization.

Imagine not having to remember passwords every time you make a payment. Mastercard is introducing passkeys, which will replace traditional passwords, streamlining the online shopping experience. This advancement will also support biometric authentication, allowing customers to make one-click payments with just a thumbprint. Furthermore, tokenized cards stored in a merchant’s system or digital wallet will be automatically updated when they are replaced or renewed. Mastercard claims that 100% tokenization across e-commerce sites will lead to a drastic decrease in fraud rates, which are projected to cause over $91 billion in losses by 2028.

Europe is the chosen starting point for this innovative rollout, given its history of leading payment innovations such as contactless payments and advanced online banking.

From the early days of credit cards, where bank clerks manually checked numbers and zip-zap machines imprinted card details on carbon paper, to the advent of magnetic stripes, electronic payment terminals, and chip-and-PIN technology, the evolution of payment methods has been significant. Mastercard’s move toward an embedded payment system is expected to be as revolutionary as these previous changes. The company aims to make online payments as seamless as in-store contactless transactions, enabling payments with a single click across any device, from smartwatches to cars.

(Source: Payment Journal | Seeking Alpha | CNBC)

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